Sunday, October 12, 2014

Coffee, cups and funny cats jumping in boxes

I'm not a morning person but rough starts of the day can lighten up with a good coffee and a cute cup.

While I take a few minutes to focus on the moment, I often get charmed by the vignette that is presenting itself in front of me. Sometimes it's just a good day and I try to capture the vibe. Other times I just struggle but manage to see a stimulating visual that pulls me out of my rut. The feeling might leave as fast as it came or it might stick around long enough to inspire some positive and creative ideas for the day. The camera is never far when you have young kids and I've been taking pictures around the kitchen for almost 2 decades. As I was perusing through old photos from this year I saw a pattern with my morning ritual and decided to share a few.

Mother's day morning after sleeping in.

A cold spring day and my pottery.

A summer break on the deck with my little one, a book and cookies.

A late brunch with this great sandwich.

Enjoying it black for a change with our early garden tomatoes, eggs and toast.

Yesterday morning. A rough one.

Still, the coffee with frothy milk was tasty and my Maman Moomin cup always brings me comfort. Those little moments are good. They allow for positive thinking and sometimes I write some of it down. It's only a few minutes but I try not take it for granted. Depression still has a grip on me but it's mild and I can function. Sometimes I need a little extra help though. Like yesterday. It was heavy and I knew I would need to make the extra effort to stay above water. One hour at a time. Fresh air helps, little things, little moments, laughter... Yesterday a family member shared this video online. It was perfect timing and lightened things up. So here I am sharing! :)

I'm sorry to contribute to the feline invasion on the internet but it works for me and if it works, I say: Milk it! So play it, hum along to the catchy tune and move on. Like I'm doing on this thanksgiving day.

Hope you have a nice long weekend and be thankful for the little things! :)


  1. Cats. Like pho, they cure everything.

    Bah! Your photos make me wish i had lovely morning zen or fun afternoon lunches D: They're so pretty ( * 0*) ~! Even though i don't like sandwiches or tomatoes.

    1. Photos are suggestive émilie. Passed the frames you would see chaos and dirty dishes. My mornings are not zen but the few minutes with coffee might be. Remember this is 8 mornings out 365 days. Lots of duds in between! :) When I do take the time to smell the coffee, natural light is my friend. It really makes things pop. One day Émilie... One day you will like sandwiches. Or tomatoes!
